Orchid Vendors
EverSpring Orchids
Monica De Wit
Orchid Botanix and Tropicals of Winnipeg
Orchids in Our Tropics
Flora Peculia
Shelmerdine Garden Centre
Manitoba Carnivorus Plants Addicts
2025 Orchid Show Presentations
While you are at the Orchid Show why not drop in to one of the Educational sessions happening Friday at 2:00, Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 and 2:00. Learn from folks who successfully grow orchids from all over the world in homes in Manitoba.
Ever wonder why one orchid gets an award, and another is passed over by the judges? Terry Kennedy is our Head Judge and this year and is well qualified to teach what the judges are looking for, and information about the wide world of orchid breeding and conservation.
Feel free to ask questions of any of our MOS members. Better yet – join the Manitoba Orchid Society and/or the Native Orchid Conservation Inc. and ask your questions every month at member meetings. The wide world of orchids is a great place to spend your time!
Friday, March 21st
2:00 p.m.
Andrew Gierys
“Growing Carnivorous Plants on the Windowsill or In Your Garden”
Saturday, March 22nd
11:00 a.m.
Terry Kennedy
Owner of “Orchids in Our Tropics”, Executive Member of the American Orchid Society, Accredited AOS Judge
“What do Orchid pseudobulbs tell you?”
2:00 p.m.
Monica De Wit
Orchid Vendor, Accredited AOS Judge
“My Visit to the Nanaimo Orchid Show”
Sunday, March 23rd
11:00 a.m.
Jean Hollebone
Accredited AOS Judge
“New Breeding in Slipper Orchids Tea Cup Paphs”
2:00 p.m.
Terry Enno
Terry has been growing orchids successfully for many years. Librarian of the Manitoba Orchid Society, she is an avid student of home orchid culture.
“Growing Orchids Under Lights”