
Welcome to Manitoba Orchid Society (MOS) webpage

The members of the MOS wish all our orchid loving friends a warm welcome.
We are ready to share our interest in orchids with the world. Our Society is based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Here you will find information on many orchids grown in the Canadian Prairies.
Discover the joy of growing, nurturing and protecting the enchanting orchid


Meetings are held at the Canadian Mennonite University 600 Shaftsbury Blvd Winnipeg MB (see map below). ‘The meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month from September to June with some exceptions. Changes in meeting dates will be announced in the monthly Newsletter and the Website

–novice meetings start at 1.30 PM.
–regular meetings start at 2.15 PM


Interested in Orchids?

You’ve come to the right place! Although we are located in Winnipeg we have members from all over Manitoba that can help you with information about growing orchids. Our meetings and annual show are also a great chance to purchase those hard to find orchid treasures.

Did you know?

The orchid family contains more than 25,000 species, with many still being discovered today. Orchids grow on every continent except Antarctica, in an amazing range of environments. In spite of their exotic appearance, many orchids are no more difficult to grow than other houseplants.


Excellent beginners’ plants are sold in stores and garden centers, and a windowsill makes a suitable home for hundreds of species and hybrids. Once a few basic principles have been mastered, the choices for growing are endless.

Monthly Meetings

We’d love to help you get started on your orchid adventure. Our monthly meetings feature slide shows, plant sales, culture sessions and workshops, a monthly raffle and a yearly silent auction. There’s the excitement of our Annual Orchid Show, which attracts thousands of visitors every year. And members get the monthly MOS newsletter, plus access to an extensive library of orchid books, videos and magazines. All this and friendship, fun and good times.

Facebook and Twitter

Don’t forget to check our facebook and twitter page

If you have a chance check out our facebook page there a lot of pictures from the show.

Benefits of Membership

Manitoba Orchid Society members now receive the following discounts: 10% at La Coste Nursery, 10% at Schriemer Home & Garden Showplace, 10% at Shelmerdine Nurseries & 15% at Village



Upcoming Meetings:

Next Meeting: Sunday January 19, 2025

Canadian Mennonite University, South Campus
Conference Room
600 Shaftesbury Blvd.
(SW corner of Shaftesbury Blvd. and Grant Avenue)

General Meeting
Start time is 2:00 pm
Zoom Presentation

Thomas MIrenda from Hawaii will be speaking on
“the Big Island Orchid Scene”
Incredible gardens, plant people and astounding species grown in them on Hawaii Island (aka the Orchid Island!).

tom-mirenda Having nurtured and curated orchid collections at some of the world’s most beloved botanical gardens, Tom has experienced growing a great diversity of species and hybrids. In recent years he has turned his attentions towards conservation and is spearheading a movement to utilize the Circa Situm Strategy (conserving orchids within their natural ranges) more effectively and internationally in orchid hotspots around the globe.

As leader of the OGCN (Orchid Garden Conservation network) Tom has spoken at 4 World Orchid Conferences, delivered keynote addresses at international orchid events, travels frequently and is enlisting stakeholders for this initiative on five continents. Living currently on Hawaii Island, Tom maintains a diverse collection, is the current President of the Hilo Orchid Society and an accredited AOS Judge in one of the most prolific judging centers in the US. In addition, Tom has supported the American Orchid Society with two monthly columns in Orchids magazine for almost 2 decades.


Don’t forget the benefits with a Manitoba Orchid Society membership.

Members now receive the following discounts:

10% Shelmerdine Garden Center
10% LaCoste Garden Centre
10% St Mary’s  Nursery & Garden Centre
10% T&T Seeds on orders over $50.00
10% Schriemer’s Greenhouses And Garden Centre
15% Village Garden Centre
10% Ready Set Grow Hydroponics
10% Ron Paul Garden Center



Conference Room

Canadian Mennonite University,
600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Southwest corner of Grant & Shaftesbury

Canadian Mennonite University campus on the SW corner of Grant Avenue and Shaftesbury Boulevard. The meeting will be in the Conference Room A01 and the Novice Meeting will be in Room C09. Parking is in Parking Lot “N”. The main entrance from the parking lot is the circled 40 on the map.
South Campus First Floor Admin Bldg Map
